For the sake of your Lord Christ, you are to die to yourself, your sins and the world, to do good and to lead a godly, holy life. [You are not to do this so] that you will earn something by it, (Christ has earned everything for you) but only out of pure love for Christ, since he died for you.
If you love Christ, do not love him with your tongue but with deed and truth. If you love him keep his words (… Jn. 14:23 … 1 John 3:3). The Lord said in Matthew 11:30: My yoke is easy and my burden is light, that is, for a true lover of Christ it is a pleasure and true joy to do good deeds. Love makes all things easy. He who does not properly love Christ does everything with hesitation and unwillingly and doing good is difficult for him. For a true lover of Christ, dying for Christ’s sake is a joy (Phil. 1:29 …).
Johann Arndt
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